Was am 9-11-2001 in der Welt auch noch geschah (Rundmail vom Oktober 2001): -------- 35.615 children died of hunger on September 11th, 2001 35.615 enfants moururent de faim le 11 septembre 2001 Victims: 35.615 (FAO) Victimes: 35.615 (FAO) Place: poorest countries in the planet Lieu : pays pauvres de la planete Special editions on TV: zero Editions spˇciales a la tˇlˇvision: zˇro Press articles: zero Articles de presse: zˇro Statesmen hommages: zero Hommages des chefs d'Etat: zˇro Appeals for unity to face the crisis: zero Appel a l'unitˇ pour affronter la crise: zˇro Demonstrations of solidarity: zero Manifestations de solidaritˇ: zˇro Minutes of silence: zero Minutes de silence: zˇro Celebrations for the victims: zero Commˇmorations des victimes: zˇro Message from the pope: zero Message du pape: zˇro The stock markets: thay are not going bad Les bourses: elles se portent pas mal The Euro: is going up L'Euro: il remonte Level of alert: zero Niveau d'alerte: zˇro Mobilisation of the army: none Mobilisation de l'armˇe: aucune Hypothesis on the identity of the criminals: zero Hypotheses sur l'identitˇ des criminels: aucune Probable responsibles for the crime: the rich countries Probables commanditaires du crime: les pays riches